Technology Advisory Committee

The Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) was created in 1999 to advise the Commission on complex issues at the intersection of technology, law, policy, and finance. The TAC may, from time to time, provide recommendations relating to the impact and implications of technological change on financial markets and the U.S. economy.

Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero sponsors the TAC. Tony Biagioli serves as the Designated Federal Officer for the committee. Andrew Rodgers and Benjamin Rankin serve as Alternate Designated Federal Officers for the TAC.

Committee Charter (PDF)

Digital Assets and Blockchain Technology
NameEntity RepresentingTitle
Carole House (Co-Chair)Terranet Ventures Inc.Executive in Residence
Dan Awrey (Co-Chair) Professor of Law, Cornell Law School
Nikos AndrikogiannopoulosMetrikaFounder & CEO
Christian CataliniLightsparkCo-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer
Jonah CraneKlaros GroupPartner
Sunil CutinhoCME GroupChief Information Officer
Cantrell DumasBetter MarketsDirector, Derivatives Policy
Michael GreenwaldAmazon Web ServicesGlobal Lead, Digital Assets
Dan GuidoTrail of BitsCo-Founder & CEO
Jill GunterEspresso SystemsChief Strategy Officer
Stanley GuzikS&P Dow Jones IndicesChief Technology Officer
Ben MilneBraleFounder & CEO
Ari RedbordTRM LabsHead of Legal and Government Affairs
Michael ShaulovFireblocksCEO
Emin Gün SirerAva LabsFounder & CEO
Justin SlaughterParadigmPolicy Director
Corey ThenCircleVice President, Global Policy
Adam ZarazinskiInca DigitalCEO
Jeffery Zhang Assistant Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School
NameEntity RepresentingTitle
Timothy Gallagher (Co-Chair)Nardello & Co.Managing Director, Digital Investigations & Cyber Defense, Chief Security Officer
Dan Guido (Co-Chair)Trail of BitsCo-Founder & CEO
Hilary Allen Professor of Law, Associate Dean for Scholarship, American University, Washington College of Law
Todd ConklinU.S. Department of the TreasuryChief AI Officer and Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Office of Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection (OCCIP)
Sunil CutinhoCME GroupChief Information Officer
Michael GreenwaldAmazon Web ServicesGlobal Lead, Digital Assets
Carole HouseTerranet Ventures Inc.Executive in Residence
Jennifer IlkiwICE Futures U.S.President
Justin SlaughterParadigmPolicy Director
Adam ZarazinskiInca DigitalCEO
Emerging and Evolving Technologies
NameEntity RepresentingTitle
Nicol Turner Lee (Co-Chair)The Brookings InstitutionSenior Fellow – Governance Studies, Director – Center for Technology Innovation
Todd Smith (Co-Chair)National Futures AssociationDirector of Centralized Data Science and Analytics
Dan Awrey Professor of Law, Cornell Law School
Todd ConklinU.S. Department of the TreasuryChief AI Officer and Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Office of Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection (OCCIP)
Cantrell DumasBetter MarketsDirector, Derivatives Policy
Michael GreenwaldAmazon Web ServicesGlobal Lead, Digital Assets
Dan GuidoTrail of BitsCo-Founder & CEO
Carole HouseTerranet Ventures Inc.Executive in Residence
Ben MilneBraleFounder & CEO
Francesca RossiIBMIBM Fellow and AI Ethics Global Leader
Joe SaluzziThemis TradingPartner and Co-Founder
Steve SuppanInstitute for Agriculture & Trade PolicySenior Policy Analyst
Corey ThenCircleVice President, Global Policy
Michael Wellman  Professor of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Michigan


Date Meeting Details

The Technology Advisory Committee will host "AI Day" on May 2, 2024. AI Day is a continuation of the TAC’s study of AI, and the concept of Responsible AI in financial markets. Confirmed speakers include experts in AI who are members of the TAC as well as additional outside experts. In addition, at this meeting, the TAC Subcommittee on Emerging and Evolving Technologies will present on the work and findings of the Subcommittee in its study of AI for financial markets, here.

The Technology Advisory Committee will hold a meeting on January 8, 2024. At this meeting, the TAC will continue its discussion of issues relating to digital assets and blockchain technology, cybersecurity, and emerging and evolving technologies, here.

The Technology Advisory Committee held a meeting on July 18, 2023.  At this meeting, the TAC will continue its examination of responsible artificial intelligence (AI), focusing on the use of AI in the financial sector.  Decentralized finance (DeFi) models such as decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) and the Commission’s recent Ooki DAO case will be discussed, in addition to other DeFi issues. We will also discuss cyber resilience, including cyber threats to the financial sector, as well as a presentation by a prudential regulator on the recently released interagency guidance on third party cyber risk.  Along with artificial intelligence, decentralized finance, and cyber resilience, the TAC will introduce the three subcommittees approved by the Commission. This includes the newly constituted subcommittees on: (1) Digital Assets and Blockchain Technology; and (2) Emerging and Evolving Technologies; as well as the re-established (3) Cybersecurity Subcommittee. Full details, including the agenda, can be found here.

The Technology Advisory Committee, sponsored by Commissioner Goldsmith Romero, will hold its inaugural meeting on March 22, 2023. The committee's public meeting will explore issues at the intersection of technology, law, policy, and finance, including the cyber threat landscape for financial markets, decentralized finance (DeFi), and responsible artificial intelligence (AI). Full details, including the agenda, can be found here.

Meeting to hear presentations from the Virtual Currencies subcommittee and Distributed Ledger and Market Infrastructure subcommittee.  Full details, including agenda, here.

Meeting to discuss cybersecurity lessons learned from COVID-19 pandemic; CFTC collection, concentration, storage, and securing of sensitive information; CFTC’s proposed rules on electronic trading risk principles; resiliency and scalability of DLT systems, use-cases, and regulatory picture; overview of Central Bank Digital Currencies; and volatility of bitcoin against other assets and the impact of COVID-19 on asset price correlation. Full details, including agenda, here.

Meeting to discuss stablecoins, audit trails, compliance solutions, cryptocurrency self-regulatory organizations, insurance, and custody, and vote on a recommendation from the Cybersecurity Subcommittee regarding the Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council Cybersecurity Profile. Full details, including agenda, here.