The Energy and Environmental Markets Advisory Committee (EEMAC) is a statutorily mandated advisory committee, which conducts public meetings; submits reports and recommendations to the Commission (including dissenting or minority views, if any); and otherwise serves as a vehicle for discussion and communication on matters of concern to exchanges, firms, end users, and regulators regarding energy and environmental markets and their regulation by the Commission.
Commissioner Summer K. Mersinger sponsors the EEMAC. Lauren Fulks serves as the Secretary for the committee.
Committee Charter (PDF)
- Committee Members
Name Entity Rob Creamer FIA PTG Kara Dutta ICE Futures U.S. Demetri Karousos Nodal Exchange, LLC William F. McCoy Morgan Stanley Jaqueline Roberts West Virginia Public Service Commission Jamila Piracci Life:Powered Derek Sammann CME Group Tyson Slocum Public Citizen Dena E. Wiggins (Chair) Natural Gas Supply Association
- Associate Members
Name Entity Matthew Agen American Gas Association Robert Anderson Committee of Chief Risk Officers Sneha Bagri OTC Global Holdings LP Greg Broussard Cargill Inc Paul Cicio Industrial Energy Consumers of America Will Evans Citadel, LLC Jeffrey Gollump Citigroup Energy, Inc. Frank Hayden Calpine Corporation Annette Hugh S&P Global Commodity Insights Paul Hughes Southern Company Tom Mapes Digital Energy Council John Melby Xpansiv Dustin Meyer American Petroleum Institute John Murphy Mizuho Securities USA LLC Chris Payne AEGIS SEF Matthew Picardi Commercial Energy Working Group Malinda Prudencio The Energy Authority, Inc. (TEA Inc.) Frank Stagg Vitol, Inc. Sarah Tomalty BP Energy Company Jeffrey Walker ACES Karen Wuertz National Futures Association
- Physical Energy Infrastructure Subcommittee Members
Name Entity Matthew Agen American Gas Association Paul Cicio Industrial Energy Consumers of America Rob Creamer Futures Industry Association Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG) (Geneva Trading) Frank Hayden Calpine Corporation Paul Hughes Southern Company Demetri Karousos Nodal Exchange, LLC Peter Keavey CME Group Ian Lange Special Government Employee Matthew Picardi Commercial Energy Working Group Jaqueline Roberts West Virginia Public Service Commission Tyson Slocum Public Citizen Sarah Tomalty BP Energy Company Jeffrey Walker ACES Dena Wiggins Natural Gas Supply Association
- The Role of Metals in Transitional Energy Subcommittee Members
Name Entity Ian Lange (Chair) Special Government Employee Robert Anderson Committee of Chief Risk Officers Sneha Bagri OTC Global Holdings LP Greg Broussard Cargill Inc Jin Chang CME Group William McCoy Morgan Stanley John Murphy Mizuho Securities USA LLC Jamila Piracci Life:Powered