Public Statements & Remarks

Statement by Commissioner Summer K. Mersinger before the Second Voluntary Carbon Markets Convening

July 19, 2023

Thank you, Chairman Behnam, for holding this convening and thank you to all the participants who have taken time out of their busy schedules to be here today. I want to be brief, because I know we have limited time and a packed agenda, but I appreciate the opportunity to listen and learn from our panelists today.

One constant of our work here at the CFTC is that our markets are linked to the real economy, so as industry needs and consumer preferences change, our markets change with them.

As regulators, it is critical for us to be aware of these changes and new innovations, so that we can properly apply the Commodity Exchange Act and our rules to all markets and market participants fairly, while protecting customers and ensuring market integrity. This is the mandate that Congress has given us.

We do not favor one market or product over another, but as newer products and markets emerge and evolve, we must take time to learn and study the details of how they operate.

I sponsor the Energy and Environmental Markets Advisory Committee (EEMAC) and we’ve held several meetings in which we have discussed ongoing changes in energy markets. At these meetings, I have seen firsthand the importance for regulators to ensure that markets, including the markets we regulate at the CFTC, continue to facilitate abundant and affordable energy.

No doubt that we need to keep a close eye on all markets that have a link to energy production and events like this are key to that understanding.

Whether it takes the form of roundtables, convenings, requests for information, requests for comment, or advisory meetings, any opportunity to hear from stakeholders is an opportunity for us to learn.

I appreciate the efforts of the Chairman’s staff in putting this convening together, and I look forward to hearing from the Chairman, my fellow commissioners and the panel participants.