Product Terms and Conditions Rules - Swap Execution Facilities

Search Product Terms and Conditions Rules - Swap Execution Facilities using the following criteria
Organization Filing Description Products Affected Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
CBOESEF Made Available to Trade Submission of Certain Interest Rate Swaps. Javelin #13-06 Certain Interest Rate Swaps 10/19/2013 Certified 01/16/2014 5
TDERIV Made Available to Trade Submission of Certain Interest Rate Swaps. TRUEEX #2013-14 Certain Interest Rate Swaps 10/22/2013 Certified 01/22/2014 1
TWSEF Made Available to Trade Determination of Certain Interest Rate and Credit Default Swaps Certain Interest Rate and Credit Default Swaps 10/28/2013 Certified 01/27/2014 4
MKAXSEF Made Available to Trade Determination for Certain Credit Default Swaps Certain Credit Default Swaps 10/30/2013 Certified 01/28/2014 2
BSEF Amendments to swap contracts Swap contracts 12/05/2013 Certified 12/20/2013 1
BGC Amendments to clarify that the EMTA template provisions regarding disruption events and fallbacks are incorporated into NDF contracts Non-Deliverable Forwards and Options 12/05/2013 Certified 12/19/2013 1
BSEF Made available-to-trade determinations for certain interest rate and credit default swap contracts. IRS and CDS 12/06/2013 Certified 03/09/2014 2
SWAPX Adds position accountability levels for interest rate swap contracts Interest rate swaps 01/22/2014 Certified 07/29/2014 1
ICE SEF Amendments to trading hours and other minor product rule amendments Swaps 02/12/2014 Certified 02/27/2014 1
SWAPX Withdrawl and delist swap contracts LIBOR-based swaps 02/26/2014 Certified 02/26/2014 1
RADSEF Delist and withdraw interest rate swaps Interest rate swaps 03/03/2014 Certified 03/03/2014 1
RADSEF Notification to correct a typographical error in CAD LIBOR Fixed for Float IRS product submission CAD LIBOR Fixed for Float IRS 03/10/2014 Certified 03/25/2014 1
RADSEF Notification of a typographical error in its NOK LIBOR Fixed for Float IRS NOK LIBOR Fixed for Float 03/10/2014 Certified 03/25/2014 1
ICE SEF Amend minimum price fluctuation Markit iTraxx Europe and Crossover 06/30/2014 Certified 07/15/2014 0
ICAPSEF Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments IOS Index Creit Default Swaps, IBoxx Total Ruturn Swaps and IBoxx Liquid Leveraged Loans Total Return Swaps 08/06/2014 Notified 08/06/2014 2
ICAPSEF Delisting of certain Credit Derivatives contracts based on Markit iTraxx Indices iTraxx based Credit Derivative Indices, iTraxx based Credit Derivatives Tranches, all Credit Derivatives Options 08/07/2014 Certified 08/07/2014 2
TPSEF This filing contains a Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments pursuant to CFTC Regulation 40.6(d) of certain non-substantive revisions made to the terms and conditions of Equity Index Swaps and Equity Index Variance Swaps. Equity Index Swaps and Equity Index Variance Swaps 08/29/2014 Notified 08/29/2014 1
SWAPX Amendments to Product Specifications for 13 Currency NDF instruments Currently Listed for Trading Currency Non-Deliverable Exchange Forward 09/08/2014 Certified 09/22/2014 3
BGC The following amendments to BGC Derivative Markets L.P.'s ("BGCDM") Rules update the BGC Derivative Markets, L.P. Contract Specifications ("Contract Specifications") in light of the ISDA 2014 Credit Event definitions. 09/18/2014 Certified 10/02/2014 4
BSEF The contract associated with filing 2013-09-P17 (the "Contract") is hereby amended to indicate that transactions in the Contract must be conducted with a minimum size of GBP 1000, rather than "as agreed by counterparties" as stated in the original filing. GBP LIBOR Fixed-to-Floating Contract 09/30/2014 Certified 10/15/2014 1
BSEF The contract associated with filing 2014-09-P13 (the "Contract") is hereby amended to indicate that transactions in the Contract must be conducted with a minimum size of GBP 1000, rather than "as agreed by counterparties" as stated in the original filing. MAT IRS GBP Swap vs 3M (CME) 09/30/2014 Certified 10/15/2014 1
BSEF The contract associated with filing 2014-P-14 (the "Contract") is hereby amended to indicate that transactions in the Contract must be conducted with a minimum size of GBP 1000, rather than "as agreed by counterparties" as stated in the original filing. MAT IRS GBP Swap vs 3M (LCH) 09/30/2014 Certified 10/15/2014 1
BSEF The contract associated with filing 2014-P-11 (the "Contract") is hereby amended to indicate that transactions in the Contract must be conducted with a minimum size of GBP 1000, rather than "as agreed by counterparties" as stated in the original filing. MAT IRS GBP Swap vs 6M (CME) 09/30/2014 Certified 10/15/2014 1
BSEF The contract associated with filing 2014-P-12 (the "Contract") is hereby amended to indicate that transactions in the Contract must be conducted with a minimum size of GBP 1000, rather than "as agreed by counterparties" as stated in the original filing. MAT IRS GBP Swap vs 6M (LCH) 09/30/2014 Certified 10/15/2014 1
MKAXSEF MarketAxess SEF Corporation files this notification due to the series roll of the products MarketAxess SEF Corporation lists for trading. See Appendix A 10/13/2014 Notified 10/13/2014 1
TDERIV clarifying amendments to Rule 1002 - MAC Interest Rate Swaps MAC Interest Rate Swaps 12/19/2014 Notified 12/19/2014 3
BSEF Pursuant to Section 5c(c) of the Commodity Exchange Act (the "Act") and Section 40.6(a) of theregulations of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (the "Commission"), BloombergSEF LLC hereby notifies the Commission that it has amended its Rulebook. N/A 01/30/2015 Certified 02/13/2015 1
ICE SEF ICE Swap Trade, LLC is revising its Error Trade Policy. N/A 03/06/2015 Certified 03/20/2015 4
TRAD Amendments to Submission No. 14-15 regarding Tradition SEF's Interest Rate Swap Asset Class Product Listing and Terms and Conditions. Interest Rate Swap Asset Class. 04/15/2015 Certified 04/29/2015 1
CBOESEF Javelin SEF submits the Notice to Participants related to Rule Amendments made to Rule 318, that were submitted on May 8, 2015. Interest Rate Swaps 05/15/2015 Certified 06/01/2015 1
SWAPX Delisting of all Interest Rate Swap products listed for trading on SwapEx and deletion of applicable product specifications from SwapEx website. SwapEx USD LIBOR IRS: Fixed-to-Floating; SwapEx USD EURIBOR IRS: Fixed-to-Floating; and SwapEx USD LIBOR IRS: Fixed-to-Floating. 06/02/2015 Certified 06/02/2015 1
BGC Amendment to the terms and conditions of the Equity Index Swap contract Broad Market Index Equity Derivative Product 06/02/2015 Certified 06/16/2015 1
TRAD Amendments to Tradition SEF's Interest Rate Swap Asset Class Product Listing and Terms and Conditions. Interest Rate Swap Asset Class. 07/07/2015 Certified 07/21/2015 2
TRAD Amendments to Tradition SEF's Interest Rate Swap Asset Class Product Listing and Terms and Conditions. Interest Rate Swap Asset Class 12/11/2015 Certified 12/28/2015 2
CBOESEF Amendments to Product terms. LCH cleared IRS products. 12/31/2015 Certified 01/15/2016 1
CBOESEF Submission of amendment of product terms. CME cleared IRS products. 12/31/2015 Certified 01/15/2016 1
IGDL Rule 40.6(a) delisting of swaps with no open interest Rules 801(1), 801(2), 801(4), 801(5) and 801(6) 01/20/2016 Certified 01/20/2016 2
ICAPSEF Rule Change submission to reflect NAL 16-25 and revised SEF Rule 806 for Non Directional Forwards Non Directional Forwards 04/11/2016 Certified 04/25/2016 3
TDERIV addition of 9 and 12 year tenor for MAC swaps Interest Rate Swaps - Market Agreed Coupon (MAC) 08/22/2016 Certified 09/06/2016 1
TDERIV Amendment of Product Terms and Conditions for Overnight Index Swaps Overnight Index Swaps 09/21/2016 Certified 10/05/2016 1
CBOESEF Notice, pursuant to 40.6(a), of delisting of interest rate swap products with no open interest. 1. Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Swiss Franc, Euro Dollar, British Pound, and Japanese Yen. 2. All tenors IRS US Dollar (CME & LCH cleared) except for tenors in 2, 3, 5, 7 and 10 years. 3. Package, basis, IMM, MAC & spreads for all IRS. 12/09/2016 Certified 12/09/2016 1
TDERIV Added language to clarify that interest rate swaps covered by this rule can be traded as Cleared Transactions or Uncleared Transactions on the SEF Trading System. Schedule 1001 - added the specific terms applicable for each Currency. Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap Contracts 02/05/2017 Certified 02/17/2017 2
TDERIV amendment of maximum tenors for certain fixed/floating IRS Fixed For Floating Interest Rate Swaps 08/02/2017 Certified 08/16/2017 1
RF SEF Thomson Reuters (SEF) LLC ("TR SEF") wishes to amend certain rules in its Rulebook Non-Deliverable Forwards and Cross-Currency NDFs 09/18/2017 Certified 10/02/2017 2
LGX Amended Rulebook USDBTC OptionsPrepaid Day-Ahead Bitcoin Swaps 09/19/2017 Certified 10/03/2017 1
LGX Amended Operations Manual Operations Manual 09/19/2017 Certified 10/03/2017 3
LGX Amended operations manual Operations manual 09/21/2017 Certified 10/05/2017 2
CMESEF Delisting of the Transco Zone 6 Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Swap Contract Without Open Interest. See filing. 10/16/2017 Certified 10/16/2017 1
LGX Rule modification to extend exchange hours to 24/7 As per product specifications (none affected as of now) 10/20/2017 Certified 11/03/2017 1
ICE SEF ICE Swap Trade, LLC ("IST") is amending its Rulebook in order to affect certain administrative/clerical revisions, clarify the scope of certain Rules, and respond to upcoming changes by the index provider for certain Commodity Contracts. All Commodity Contracts that referenced the Singapore Gasoil 500ppm and 10ppm sulfur Gasoil grades. 12/12/2017 Certified 12/27/2017 5