Title: 24-17
Advisory regarding use of AI in CFTC regulated markets.
Advisory regarding use of AI in CFTC regulated markets.
Modification of no-action position with respect to Part 43 and 45 reporting, as well as related sections of Parts 38 and 39, for binary options executed on or pursuant to the rules of KalshiEx and cleared through Klear.
Extension of Conditional Time-Limited No-Action Position Regarding Filing Certain Ownership and Control Reports (OCR) Required by Parts 17, 18 and 20 of the Commission’s Regulations
No-action postion with respect to Part 43 and 45 reporting, as well as related sections of Parts 38 and 39, for binary options executed on or pursuant to the rules of MIAXdx and cleared through MIAXdx.
Extension of no-action position in 22-16 issued to ensure the continued availability, following Brexit, of no-action positions under certain existing CFTC comparability determinations and exemption orders originally issued by the CFTC for EU entities, while CFTC staff undertakes an analysis of UK law in order to make appropriate recommendations of comparability or exemption to the CFTC.
No-action postion with respect to Part 43 and Part 45 reporting, as well as related sections of Parts 38 and 39, for binary options executed on or pursuant to the rules of ForecastEx and cleared through ForecastEx.
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Division of Market Oversight (DMO) and Division of Data (DOD) take a no-action position regarding certain Part 43 and Part 45 swap reporting obligations in relation to the
DMO is extending a time-limited no-action position with respect to the compliance date for the November 25, 2020 amendments to certain rules pertaining to block sizes and cap sizes in Part 43.
Advisory on Transition to Portal Filings for Registered Foreign Boards of Trade
The advisory reminds designated contract markets, derivatives clearing organizations, and swap execution facilities that have an affiliated intermediary or trading entity, as well as the affiliated intermediary or trading entities themselves, of their obligations to ensure compliance with existing statutory and regulatory requirements with this affiliate relationship in mind.