
Title: 21-15


Staff Interpretation to Swap Dealers electing the Tangible Net Worth method of calculation capital under regulation 23.101.


Title: 20-43


The Divisions do not interpret Sections (2)(h)(1) and 2(h)(8) of the CEA as subjecting to the clearing and trade execution requirements certain swaps transactions entered into by a DCO to reduce and manage the risk associated with a clearing member default.


Title: 19-18


The guidance clarifies the CIP and BO requirements applicable to introducing brokers (IBs) under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA). The guidance provides regulatory clarity to certain IBs who lack access to the information needed to comply with CIP and BO obligations. The guidance eliminates duplicative efforts without impacting money laundering or terrorist financing risk, as the customer due diligence obligations will continue to be performed by the futures commission merchant (FCM) that carries the customer account.


Title: 18-12


The staff letter confirms that, for purposes of applying the position limits set forth in CFTC Regulation 150.2, when an institutional investor qualifies for the Regulation 150.4(b)(1) exemption from position aggregation with respect to their investment in a fund, the institutional investor is not required to look through its investment in a fund to aggregate commodity interest positions of an underlying portfolio company in which the institutional investor may hold a 10 percent or greater indirect interest (via its investment in the fund).  


Title: 17-68


Interpretative relief from the definition of “commodity pool” for certain real estate holding companies.


Title: 17-65


A futures commission merchant (FCM), swap dealer (SD), or introducing broker (IB) that receives separate compensation for commodity trading advice is not required to register as a commodity trading advisor, provided that the offered advice is “solely incidental” to the conduct of the FCM’s or SD’s business, or “solely in connection with” the operation of the IB’s business.


Title: 17-51


Interpretation of the Commodity Exchange Act and Commission regulations regarding the characterization of variation margin payments and all other cash flows for cleared swaps.


Title: 16-87


DSIO’s interpretation of Regulation 23.451 clarifying staff’s view that a swap dealer’s contributions for transition or inaugural expenses incurred by a successful candidate are only covered by the rule to the extent that such expenses are incurred by a successful candidate for a position as an official of a governmental Special Entity.


Title: 16-69


Interpretation of CFTC regulations 39.11(e)(1); 39.13(g)(10); 39.15(c) and (e); and 39.36(f) in light of amendments to Securities and Exchange Commission rule 2a-7.


Title: 16-34


Interpretative relief granted that states that a pool that is only funded and traded by two brothers is not a commodity pool