Gross Notional Outstanding by Cleared Status (Millions of USD) - Open Interest Equivalent (Single-Count) - 12/27/2024

Gross Notional by Cleared Status

  November 29 December 06 December 13 December 20 December 27
Total Interest Rate* 309,643,088 310,912,422 309,359,866 294,089,569 286,132,117
Cleared** 271,619,453 272,825,491 271,444,272 257,100,428 249,312,599
Uncleared 38,023,635 38,086,931 37,915,595 36,989,141 36,819,518
Total Credit 4,981,099 4,904,366 4,869,963 4,556,939 4,411,698
Cleared 3,291,252 3,123,114 3,061,037 3,115,236 3,023,020
Uncleared 1,689,847 1,781,253 1,808,926 1,441,702 1,388,679
Total FX 73,974,180 71,381,296 73,045,668 62,761,547 59,789,604
Cleared 2,813,186 2,849,733 2,823,746 2,473,163 2,306,200
Uncleared 71,160,994 68,531,563 70,221,922 60,288,384 57,483,403
TOTAL 388,598,367 387,198,084 387,275,498 361,408,055 350,333,419
Weekly snapshot, gross notional amount outstanding by asset class and cleared status (millions of USD), all products, tenors, and participant types. For cleared swaps, this table reflects only one of the two swaps that results from the clearing process; therefore, the numbers on this table are analogous to the notional value of futures open interest.
* See Data Dictionary for asset class descriptions and Explanatory Notes for data sources.
** See Explanatory Notes for cleared and uncleared descriptions.
The Commission requests feedback on the format and content of this CFTC Swaps Report table. Submit comments to [email protected].