Designated Contract Market Rules

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Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
CME Removed Rule 152 from Rulebook Since the GOAL (Global Open Access Learning) Permit Program is No Longer Active. CME No. 07-16 03/01/2007 Certified 03/02/2007 1
CCFE Amends market maker program to allow additional market makers (in addtion to Trading Privilege Holders and Clearing Members), and requires market makers to abide by Exchange rules. CCFE #07-11 08/09/2007 Certified 08/08/2007 1
CBOT Modifies procedures for determining the daily settlement prices for CBOT 10 Year US Treasury Note options. CBOT #2840.01 10/15/2007 Certified 11/28/2007 1
CBOT Amends Rule 588.K to add "3-Month Overnight Index Swaps Options" to the list of no bust range Option Contracts. CME & CBOT #08-187 11/20/2008 Certified 11/20/2008 1
NYMEX Corrects NYMEX/COMEX Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA0916-4. NYMEX #09-318R 01/05/2010 Certified 12/17/2010 1
CBOT Revisions to Chapter 4 "Enforcement of Rules" and related rules based on a comprehensive review of the disciplinary process rules. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX #10-321 11/12/2010 Certified 12/07/2010 1
NYLIFFE Notice 09/2011 explains the process of reporting and adjusting open interest and filing Form 102 Large Trader Reports and reminds members of certain position transfer and netting considerations. NYLIFFE #2011-111 03/22/2011 Certified 03/22/2011 1
CFE CFE rule amendment to revise CFE Policy and Procedure X (DPM Market Performance Benchmarks Program). CFE #2011-16 06/16/2011 Certified 06/30/2011 1
CFE Updating CFE Fee Schedule. CFE #2012-03 02/03/2012 Certified 02/18/2012 1
CME Introducing the Basis Trade at Index Close ("BTIC") Block Trade Provision for E-mini S&P Select Stock Index Futures. CME 12-152R 06/01/2012 Certified 06/16/2012 2
NYMEX Modifications to the NYMEX Energy Products Incentive Program for High Volume Hedging Contributors. NYMEX #12-332 10/15/2012 Certified 10/30/2012 1
CME Revisions to various rules which will become effective on July 1, 2013. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX 13-230 06/14/2013 Certified 06/27/2013 2
CME Revisions to Rule 536.B - Globex Order Entry, and issuance of CME Group Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA1309-5 CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX/KCBT #13-160 08/12/2013 Certified 08/27/2013 1
CME Notification of Emergency Action with Respect to CME Lean Hog Futures and Options. CME #13-492 10/17/2013 Certified 11/01/2013 1
COMEX Revisions to Rule 300.D - Disqualification from Certain Committees and Governing Boards. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX #14-247 06/18/2014 Certified 07/03/2014 1
NYMEX Revs. to NYMEX Position Limit, Position Accountability and Reportable Level Tbl. in the Interpretations and Special Notices Sec. of Ch. 5 of the NYMEX Rulebook Comprised of Corrections and Administrative Changes Reflecting the Accurate Terms 08/08/2014 Withdrawn 08/12/2014 3
NYMEX Amendments to CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX Rule 853 ("Transfers of Trades and Customer Accounts") 11/04/2015 Certified 11/19/2015 1
CBOT Implementation of the EU Wheat Fee Discount Program 08/19/2016 Certified 09/02/2016 1
CME Modifications to the E-mini Futures Volume Incentive Program 05/16/2017 Certified 05/31/2017 2
ICE US Effective October 10, 2017 the Exchange is extending the terms of the N.A. Credit Futures Contracts Market Maker Program through December 31, 2018. 09/25/2017 Certified 10/10/2017 2
CBOT Deletion of CME Rule 586. ("GFX Corporation") and Amendments to CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX Rule 110. ("Claims Against Membership, Application of Proceeds"). 04/16/2018 Certified 04/30/2018 1
MIAX Weekly Notification for the week of December 17, 2018. 12/28/2018 Notified 12/28/2018 1
CFE The Amendment amends CFE rules to delete reference to Cboe Options Rule 2.1(a). 05/13/2019 Certified 05/28/2019 1
ICE US The Exchange is extending the terms of Precious Metal Futures Contract Exchange Member Fee Program through June 30, 2020. 06/10/2019 Certified 06/24/2019 1
ICE US The Exchange is extending the terms of the ICE Futures U.S. Oil Liquidity Provider Program through November 30, 2020. 11/05/2019 Certified 11/20/2019 2
ICE US Amendment to the definition of the term "Licensed Store" to conform with amendments already established in Chapter 7 - Licensing Rules. 12/04/2019 Certified 12/18/2019 1
CME Implementation of the E-mini S&P 500 ESG Futures Calendar Spread Market Maker Program 02/20/2020 Certified 03/05/2020 2
NYMEX Modifications to the Retail Broker Incentive Program 04/16/2020 Certified 04/30/2020 1
NYMEX Modifications to the International Coal Liquidity Provider Program 07/13/2020 Certified 07/27/2020 2
ICE US Amendments renaming and adjusting the NYSE FANG+Market Maker Program 09/10/2020 Certified 09/24/2020 2
CFE IBHY Futures LLM Program Amendment 07/15/2021 Certified 07/29/2021 3
CME Block Trade Eligibility and Expansion of Strike Price Listing of all Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Indexr Futures Contracts and Expansion of the Listing Schedule of the European-Style Weekly Options. 01/06/2022 Certified 01/21/2022 1
COMEX Amendments to the CME, CBOT, NYMEX, and COMEX Hedge Exemption Form 04/12/2022 Certified 04/26/2022 2
ICE US Extension of Legacy 1st Line and Euro Program 11/15/2022 Certified 11/30/2022 2
CFE IBIG Futures Lead Market Maker Program Amendment 12/15/2022 Certified 12/30/2022 2
BTNL Bitnomial Rulebook Update 10/30/2023 Certified 11/14/2023 1
CME Modifications to the Mexican Peso & Brazilian Real Volume Incentive Program 03/14/2024 Certified 03/28/2024 2
ICE US Amendments to Block Trade Procedures 10/10/2024 Certified 10/25/2024 1
CBOT Modifications to the Eris ICS Market Maker Program 01/07/2025 10 Day Review 01/07/2025 1
CBOT Revises market maker program for denatured fuel ethanol futures to add new incentives for participants. CBOT 2816.01 08/09/2007 Certified 08/13/2007 1
CBOT Provides for a Market Making program in the CBOT 30-Day Fed Funds Options contract. CBOT #08-10 01/22/2008 Certified 01/22/2008 1
CME Amends Rule 588.K to add "3-Month Overnight Index Swaps Options" to the list of no bust range Option Contracts. CME & CBOT #08-187 11/20/2008 Certified 11/20/2008 1
NYMEX Provides Market Reg Notice RA0904-5 concerning the prohibition in engaging in wash sales pursuant to Rule 534. CME/CBOT/NYMEX #09.151 08/03/2009 Certified 08/28/2009 1
NYMEX Revisions to Chapter 4 "Enforcement of Rules" and related rules based on a comprehensive review of the disciplinary process rules. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX #10-321 11/12/2010 Certified 12/07/2010 1
NYMEX Revisions to NYMEX Rulebook Chapters 530, 950, 951, 953 - 959. NYMEX #11-236 06/15/2011 Certified 07/12/2011 1
CFE Revising CFE Rule 1202(q) to permit Trade at Settlement non-spread transactions in CBOE Volatility Index futures that occur on CFE's trading system to occur in minimum increments of 0.01 index points. CFE 2012-04 02/03/2012 Certified 02/18/2012 1
CME Issuing revised CME and CBOT Market Regulation Advisory Notice RA 1201-3R. CME/CBOT #1201-3R 06/01/2012 Certified 06/16/2012 1
CFE Revising CFE Rule 1202(q) to allow for Trade at Settlement spread transactions in CBOE Volatility Index futures to be executed on CFE's trading system. CFE #2012-24 09/25/2012 Certified 10/11/2012 1
NYMEX Reduction in Block Trade Minimum Thresholds in Comex Core Metals Products, Establishment of Block Trade Minimum Thresholds in Certain NYMEX & COMEX Metals Contracts, Increase in Block Trade Minimum Thresholds in 4 NYMEX Power Products. NYMEX/COMEX #12-331 10/15/2012 Certified 10/30/2012 2
CBOT Revisions to various rules which will become effective on July 1, 2013. CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX 13-230 06/14/2013 Certified 06/27/2013 2