Derivative Clearing Organizations (DCO)

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Organization Status Date Remarks Documents
CX Clearinghouse, L.P. Registered 04/20/2010 Formerly known as Cantor Clearinghouse, L.P.; registered by Commission order; permitted to clear fully collateralized futures, options on futures, and swaps for which there is an underlying commodity, as such term is defined under Section 1a(9) of the Act, traded on CX Futures Exchange. 4
Cboe Clear US, LLC Registered 07/01/2019 Formerly known as Cboe Clear Digital, LLC, and Eris Clearing, LLC; registered by Commission order; permitted to clear digital asset futures on a margined basis through futures commission merchants, fully collateralized futures, and fully collateralized swaps. 3
North American Derivatives Exchange, Inc. Registered 02/18/2004 Formerly known as HedgeStreet, Inc.; registered by Commission order; permitted to clear fully-collateralized, cash-settled, futures, options on futures, and swaps, listed for trading on its affiliated designated contract market. 6
LCH Ltd. Registered 10/29/2001 Formerly known as LCH.Clearnet Ltd.; registered by Commission order; permitted to clear futures and options on futures, traded on or subject to the rules of a designated contract market, and swaps. 5
LCH SA Registered 12/17/2013 Formerly known as LCH.Clearnet SA; registered by Commission order; permitted to clear swaps. 3
MIAX Futures Exchange, LLC Registered 12/21/2000 Formerly known as Minneapolis Grain Exchange, LLC; registered by operation of law on December 21, 2000, upon the enactment of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 and Section 5b(d) of the CEA; the election of MIAX Futures Exchange, LLC to become a Subpart C DCO became effective on January 10, 2014. 2
ICE NGX Canada Inc. Registered 12/12/2008 Formerly known as Natural Gas Exchange Inc.; registered by Commission order; permitted to clear foreign futures, options on foreign futures, and swaps based on energy products or environmental products. 3
LedgerX LLC d/b/a MIAX Derivatives Exchange Registered 07/24/2017 Registered by Commission order; permitted to clear fully collateralized futures, options on futures, and swaps. 3
QC Clearing LLC Registered 12/16/2024 Registered by Commission order; permitted to clear fully collateralized positions in futures contracts, options on futures contracts, and swaps. 8
Kalshi Klear LLC Registered 08/28/2024 Registered by Commission order; permitted to clear fully collateralized positions in swaps. 8
ForecastEx LLC Registered 06/24/2024 Registered by Commission order; permitted to clear fully collateralized positions in swaps. 8
ICE Clear Europe Limited Registered 01/22/2010 Registered by Commission order; permitted to clear futures and options on futures, traded on or subject to the rules of a designated contract market, and swaps. 5
Nodal Clear, LLC Registered 09/24/2015 Registered by Commission order; permitted to clear futures and options on futures; the election of Nodal Clear, LLC to become a Subpart C DCO became effective on September 24, 2015. 4
Bitnomial Clearinghouse, LLC Registered 12/15/2023 Registered by Commission order; permitted to clear futures contracts and options on futures contracts traded on or subject to the rules of a designated contract market. 1
Options Clearing Corporation Registered 12/10/2001 Registered by Commission order; permitted to clear futures, options on futures, and commodity options executed on designated contract markets; the election of Options Clearing Corporation to become a Subpart C DCO became effective on March 1, 2021. 4
Eurex Clearing AG Registered 02/01/2016 Registered by Commission order; permitted to clear swaps. 4
Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Inc. Registered 12/21/2000 Registered by operation of law on December 21, 2000, upon the enactment of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 and Section 5b(d) of the CEA; systemically important DCO (SIDCO) due to designation by the Financial Stability Oversight Council, pursuant to Title VIII of the Dodd-Frank Act. 2
ICE Clear US, Inc. Registered 12/21/2000 Registered by operation of law on December 21, 2000, upon the enactment of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 and Section 5b(d) of the CEA; the election of ICE Clear U.S., Inc. to become a Subpart C DCO became effective on December 31, 2013. 2
ICE Clear Credit LLC Registered 07/16/2011 Registered by operation of law on July 16, 2011, pursuant to Section 725(b) of the Dodd-Frank Act and Section 5b(g) of the CEA; systemically important DCO (SIDCO) due to designation by the Financial Stability Oversight Council, pursuant to Title VIII of the Dodd-Frank Act. 0