Title: 22-10
Extension of Time-Limited No-Action Position for Foreign Based Nonbank Swap Dealers domiciled in Japan, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the European Union
Extension of Time-Limited No-Action Position for Foreign Based Nonbank Swap Dealers domiciled in Japan, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the European Union
Brexit-related time limited no-action position with respect to certain swap dealer transaction-level requirements
This no-action letter extends until January 15, 2021, the relief previously provided by CFTC Staff Letter 20-19, which, in turn, extended the time period for certain no-action relief provided in CFTC Staff Letters 20-02, 20-03, 20-04, 20-05, 20-06, 20-07, and 20-09, each issued on March 17, 2020 (the ""COVID-19 Letters"").
No-action relief from certain Commission regulations with respect to certain warrants listed on foreign exchanges.
Portfolio margining of uncleared swaps and security-based swaps.
Extension of No-Action Relief: Transaction-Level Requirements for Non-U.S. Swap Dealers
Extension of No-Action Relief: Transaction-Level Requirements for Non-U.S. Swap Dealers
Conditional no-action relief with respect to swaps trading on certain financial markets that are licensed in Australia and overseen by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC).
Extension of No-Action Relief: Transaction-Level Requirements for Non-U.S. Swap Dealers
Extension of No-Action Relief: Transaction-Level Requirements for Non-U.S. Swap Dealers