Release Number 7390-16
June 14, 2016
CFTC Requests Public Comment on a Rule Amendment Certification Filing by ICE Futures U.S.
Washington, DC — The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is requesting public comment on a rule amendment certification filing by ICE Futures U.S. which would clarify that parties to a block trade may engage in pre-hedging or anticipatory hedging of the position that they believe in good faith will result from the consummation of the block trade, except for an intermediary that takes the opposite side of its own customer order. Comments must be submitted on or before July 14, 2016.
The Division of Market Oversight has determined to stay ICE Futures U.S. Submission No. 16-67, dated June 1, 2016, pursuant to Section 5c(c)(2) of the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) and §40.6(c)(1) and §40.7(a)(2) of CFTC’s regulations. This determination was made because the submission presents novel or complex issues that require additional time to analyze and may be inconsistent with the CEA or CFTC regulations. The CFTC has 90 days to review the submission, ending on September 13, 2016.
Comments may be submitted electronically through the CFTC’s Comments Online Process. All comments will be posted on the CFTC’s website. The ICE Futures U.S. submission is available under Industry Filing.
Last Updated: June 14, 2016