Release Number 6961-14

July 11, 2014

CFTC Seeking Public Comment on Request from ICE Clear Europe Limited for Order Permitting Portfolio Margining of Futures and Foreign Futures Contracts

Washington, DC — The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Commission) is requesting public comment on a petition submitted by ICE Clear Europe Limited (ICE Clear Europe) for an order regarding Section 4d(a) of the Commodity Exchange Act (Act).

The petition requests that the Commission amend an earlier order dated May 30, 2014, which permitted ICE Clear Europe and its clearing members that are registered futures commission merchants to:

  • Commingle in an account subject to Section 4d(a) (a futures customer account) positions in futures and options, and foreign futures and foreign options, and related customer money, securities, and property; and 

  • Portfolio margin these futures and options, and foreign futures and foreign options, in the futures customer account.

The May 30, 2014 order related to only ICE Clear Europe and its clearing members, and ICE Clear Europe now requests that the Commission amend that order to also apply to futures commission merchants that carry contracts cleared at ICE Clear Europe through a clearing member but are not themselves clearing members.

Comments regarding the request should be submitted on or before July 21, 2014.

Comments may be submitted electronically through the Commission’s Comments online process. All comments will be posted on the Commission’s website.


Last Updated: July 11, 2014