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Purpose Statement: Commission-Wide Economic and Legal Analysis

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Commission-wide economic analysis

As the Commission’s statutory and regulatory mandate vastly expands, it is imperative that the Commission continues to invest in building robust economic analysis teams. 

The Commission supports an in-depth, analytical research program that focuses on innovations in trading technology, developments in trading instruments, and the role of market participants in the futures, options, and swap markets.  This team of specialized economists supports the Commission’s numerous divisions by analyzing these constantly evolving components of markets to help anticipate and mitigate significant regulatory, surveillance, clearing, and enforcement challenges.  Economic expertise is especially important for the development and implementation of new financial regulations related to the Dodd Frank Act and the oversight of a new swaps regime.

Economic analysis is pervasive in supporting the regulatory activities in:

The Commission is committed to integrating robust economic analysis into its regulatory activities and has established a network of well-renowned researchers and academics in quantitative financial methods, applied mathematics, econometrics, and statistics.  By engaging the academic community in developing the necessary ground-breaking analyses, the Commission has access to a pool of credible, independent experts to support its regulatory activities.  Furthermore, the Commission’s continued engagement with an extended network of experts across the Federal government has fostered the necessary dialogue to promote a common framework for interagency consensus-building.  For example, the Commission’s involvement with the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) ensures financial regulatory agencies communicate perceived financial and economic issues with one another. This dialogue allows for a well-coordinated approach to address these potential issues.

Commission-wide legal analysis

The Commission’s legal services include: 1) engaging in defensive, appellate, and amicus curiae litigation; 2) interpreting the CEA; 3) providing legal advice and support for Commission programs; 4) drafting and assisting other program areas in preparing Commission regulations; 5) assisting the Commission in the performance of its adjudicatory functions; and 6) providing advice on legislative and regulatory issues.


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