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Goal Four CFTC Strategy Mapping

Table Of Contents

FY 2011 Goal Four Resource Investment by Outcome Objective

Goal Four Resource Strategy Mapping
($ in millions)
Goal Four Outcomes Investment
FTEs Investment
4.1 Productive, Technically Competent, Diverse Workforce $5.1 18 2%
4.2 Modern and Secure Information System $7.8 28 4%
4.3 Responsive Organizational Infrastructure $4.8 17 2%
4.4 Allocated, Managed and Accounted Financial Resources $4.5 16 2%
4.5 Commission's Mission and Goals Fulfilled $16.6 57 8%

Outcome Objectives and Annual Performance Goals

Outcome 4.1 – A productive, technically competent, and diverse workforce that takes into account current and future technical and professional needs of the Commission.

Outcome 4.2 – A modern and secure information portfolio that reflects the strategic priorities of the Commission.

Outcome 4.3 – An organizational infrastructure that efficiently and effectively responds to and anticipates both the routine and emergency business needs of the Commission.

Outcome 4.4 – Financial resources are allocated, managed, and accounted for in accordance with the strategic priorities of the Commission.

Outcome 4.5 – The Commission’s mission is fulfilled and goals are achieved through sound management and organizational excellence provided by executive leadership.

1 The Commission adopted the Strategic Plan for 2007 - 2012 on September 30, 2007. (back to text)

Last Updated: March 19, 2010