External Meetings: CFTC/SEC consulation with municipal entities

The consultation was conducted via teleconference. The participants reviewed the statutory language regarding business conduct, including ?4s(h) and ?4c(a)(7) of the Commodity Exchange Act and ?15F(h) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The participants also discussed the nature and use of swaps in the by large and small municipal entities. In addition, the participants discussed historical problems regarding municipalities engaged in swaps transactions, concerns regarding business conduct in the swaps market place, and the varied view points of differently situated municipal entities.
III. Business Conduct Standards w/ Counterparties
CFTC Staff
Phyllis Cela

Katie Driscoll

Todd Prono

Ted Kneller

Mike Solinsky

Barry McCarty

Peter Sanchez

Stephanie Horne
David Lillard (TN)

Justin Wilson (TN)

Mary Margaret Collier (TN)

Jim Currie (TN)

Nancy Kopp (MD)

Melissa Moye (MD)

Kinney Poynter (MD)

Cornelia Chebinou (WA)

Alan Anders (NYC)

Roger Anderson (Centur)

Pat McCoy (MTA)

Noreen Roche-Carter (Sacramento)

Frances Walton (Empire State)

Susan Gaffney (FSDC)

Don Kirsch (CT)

Peter Curley (SEC)

Rich Ferlauto (SEC)

Lourdes Gonzalez (SEC)

Paula Jenson (SEC)

Cindy Oh (SEC)

Michael Reedich (SEC)

Joanne Rutkowski (SEC)

Christine Sibille (SEC)

Mary Simpkins (SEC)

Amy Starr (SEC)
National Association of Treasurers (TN, CT)

National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers (MD, WA)

Government Finance Officers Association (NYC,Centur, MTA, Sacramento Utility, Empire State Developement Corporation)