WHEAT - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                          Code-001602
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, September 23, 2008              
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 BUSHELS)                                               :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   404,906:    58,360     66,116    130,717    189,936    157,627    379,013    354,461:    25,893     50,445
Old  :   334,915:    48,327     66,335    105,623    158,677    123,717    312,627    295,675:    22,289     39,240
Other:    69,991:    28,180     17,929      6,947     31,259     33,910     66,386     58,786:     3,605     11,205
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: September 16, 2008                   :
     :   -14,580:    -3,141     -7,841      1,175     -3,775      3,565     -5,741     -3,101:    -8,839    -11,479
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      14.4       16.3       32.3       46.9       38.9       93.6       87.5:       6.4       12.5
Old  :     100.0:      14.4       19.8       31.5       47.4       36.9       93.3       88.3:       6.7       11.7
Other:     100.0:      40.3       25.6        9.9       44.7       48.4       94.8       84.0:       5.2       16.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       331:        82        121        124         82        112        243        290:
Old  :       323:        91        111        111         81        108        234        274:
Other:       165:        27         48         29         37         82         85        140:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 20.3       13.6       32.6       21.4       18.2       11.2       29.3       15.1
Old  :                 21.9       14.6       34.6       22.9       20.9       11.6       30.7       16.6
Other:                 45.7       19.1       59.8       29.0       43.7       15.3       53.7       22.7
CORN - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                           Code-002602
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, September 23, 2008              
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 BUSHELS)                                               :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  : 1,684,482:   182,977     63,487    614,810    737,498    767,610  1,535,285  1,445,907:   149,197    238,576
Old  : 1,463,140:   159,770     78,448    541,143    629,441    640,366  1,330,354  1,259,956:   132,787    203,184
Other:   221,342:    49,370     11,203     47,504    108,058    127,244    204,932    185,950:    16,410     35,392
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: September 16, 2008                   :
     :   -26,098:      -102    -13,168     -1,404    -25,819       -403    -27,324    -14,975:     1,226    -11,123
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      10.9        3.8       36.5       43.8       45.6       91.1       85.8:       8.9       14.2
Old  :     100.0:      10.9        5.4       37.0       43.0       43.8       90.9       86.1:       9.1       13.9
Other:     100.0:      22.3        5.1       21.5       48.8       57.5       92.6       84.0:       7.4       16.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       733:       173        148        249        280        354        578        650:
Old  :       728:       172        155        236        273        350        564        636:
Other:       424:        62         70         58         89        255        175        361:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 14.2       15.3       21.9       22.3        7.6        7.2       13.2       10.6
Old  :                 13.3       15.1       21.0       22.2        8.2        6.6       14.2       10.1
Other:                 29.6       25.6       43.5       35.1       20.2       14.7       30.2       19.3
OATS - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                           Code-004603
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, September 23, 2008              
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 BUSHELS)                                               :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :    16,939:     1,261      1,500      1,886     11,603     10,976     14,750     14,362:     2,189      2,578
Old  :    15,666:     1,350      1,500      1,788     10,377      9,989     13,516     13,277:     2,150      2,389
Other:     1,273:         1         90          7      1,226        987      1,234      1,084:        39        189
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: September 16, 2008                   :
     :      -597:      -322         32       -102         36       -220       -387       -290:      -211       -307
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:       7.4        8.9       11.1       68.5       64.8       87.1       84.8:      12.9       15.2
Old  :     100.0:       8.6        9.6       11.4       66.2       63.8       86.3       84.8:      13.7       15.2
Other:     100.0:       0.1        7.1        0.6       96.3       77.5       96.9       85.2:       3.1       14.8
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        49:        13         13          7         19         14         35         31:
Old  :        49:        13         13          7         19         14         35         31:
Other:        15:         2          1          2          7          8          9         11:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 37.4       51.0       57.0       64.7       37.1       42.4       50.3       49.2
Old  :                 34.6       50.2       55.7       63.5       34.3       41.5       48.6       49.0
Other:                 92.8       68.6       96.7       84.1       76.3       60.9       77.9       66.1
SOYBEANS - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                       Code-005602
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, September 23, 2008              
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 BUSHELS)                                               :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   538,390:    72,418     28,557    199,547    215,983    228,622    487,948    456,726:    50,442     81,664
Old  :   479,041:    63,941     32,388    175,471    193,434    198,303    432,846    406,162:    46,195     72,879
Other:    59,349:    17,422      5,115     15,131     22,549     30,319     55,101     50,564:     4,247      8,785
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: September 16, 2008                   :
     :   -23,791:      -674     -4,516     -8,706    -12,522     -7,307    -21,902    -20,530:    -1,889     -3,261
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      13.5        5.3       37.1       40.1       42.5       90.6       84.8:       9.4       15.2
Old  :     100.0:      13.3        6.8       36.6       40.4       41.4       90.4       84.8:       9.6       15.2
Other:     100.0:      29.4        8.6       25.5       38.0       51.1       92.8       85.2:       7.2       14.8
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       473:       140        127        197        114        173        358        416:
Old  :       470:       135        132        193        113        172        351        414:
Other:       223:        41         48         32         41        117         98        183:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 20.3       19.2       28.7       28.2       11.1        9.6       17.1       13.8
Old  :                 19.3       18.8       28.3       27.3       11.6        9.4       18.8       14.2
Other:                 40.3       36.3       54.4       49.4       23.4       23.4       33.2       30.6
MINI SOYBEANS - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                  Code-005603
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, September 23, 2008              
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (THOUSAND BUSHELS)                                                         :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :    19,513:    15,964      3,590        633          2      3,036     16,599      7,259:     2,914     12,254
Old  :    16,947:    13,994      3,711        472          2      2,385     14,468      6,568:     2,479     10,379
Other:     2,566:     2,131         40          0          0        651      2,131        691:       435      1,875
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: September 16, 2008                   :
     :      -933:      -960       -221        -12       -150       -246     -1,122       -479:       189       -454
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      81.8       18.4        3.2        0.0       15.6       85.1       37.2:      14.9       62.8
Old  :     100.0:      82.6       21.9        2.8        0.0       14.1       85.4       38.8:      14.6       61.2
Other:     100.0:      83.0        1.6        0.0        0.0       25.4       83.0       26.9:      17.0       73.1
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        28:        11          9          5          1          8         13         21:
Old  :        28:        11          9          5          1          8         13         21:
Other:        19:         7          4          0          0          8          7         12:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 67.2       17.3       80.6       25.1       67.1       16.0       78.7       23.7
Old  :                 67.6       17.9       81.2       26.2       67.5       17.2       79.0       25.3
Other:                 68.0       21.9       83.0       25.6       68.0       21.9       83.0       25.6
SOYBEAN OIL - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                    Code-007601
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, September 23, 2008              
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 60,000 POUNDS)                                               :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   323,420:    20,851     31,091     88,775    192,573    181,481    302,199    301,347:    21,221     22,074
Old  :   301,580:    21,717     34,945     75,384    184,018    169,447    281,120    279,777:    20,460     21,804
Other:    21,840:     5,297      2,309      7,227      8,555     12,034     21,079     21,570:       761        270
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: September 16, 2008                   :
     :   -17,602:     4,879     -3,645    -10,795    -10,873        273    -16,788    -14,168:      -813     -3,434
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:       6.4        9.6       27.4       59.5       56.1       93.4       93.2:       6.6        6.8
Old  :     100.0:       7.2       11.6       25.0       61.0       56.2       93.2       92.8:       6.8        7.2
Other:     100.0:      24.3       10.6       33.1       39.2       55.1       96.5       98.8:       3.5        1.2
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       190:        38         47         65         66         65        148        156:
Old  :       190:        39         54         63         65         65        146        155:
Other:        48:        13          8         14         19         10         40         26:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 20.7       25.1       32.4       37.1       12.8       16.8       19.7       24.3
Old  :                 20.3       25.5       32.0       36.7       13.6       18.3       21.0       25.6
Other:                 69.8       80.1       82.1       92.9       46.8       52.6       54.9       61.8
U.S. TREASURY BONDS - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                            Code-020601
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, September 23, 2008              
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF $100,000 FACE VALUE)                                         :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   999,344:    80,693    175,180    107,374    674,846    549,068    862,913    831,622:   136,431    167,723
Old  :   999,344:    80,693    175,180    107,374    674,846    549,068    862,913    831,622:   136,431    167,723
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: September 16, 2008                   :
     :   -85,857:   -21,046      6,037      4,006    -54,059    -54,197    -71,099    -44,154:   -14,758    -41,703
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:       8.1       17.5       10.7       67.5       54.9       86.3       83.2:      13.7       16.8
Old  :     100.0:       8.1       17.5       10.7       67.5       54.9       86.3       83.2:      13.7       16.8
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       192:        31         53         57         83         94        151        167:
Old  :       192:        31         53         57         83         94        151        167:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 21.6       13.4       32.6       21.3       14.5       10.7       22.9       16.7
Old  :                 21.6       13.4       32.6       21.3       14.5       10.7       22.9       16.7
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
SOYBEAN MEAL - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                   Code-026603
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, September 23, 2008              
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 100 TONS)                                                    :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   185,840:    29,963      7,081     39,308     85,752    120,902    155,022    167,291:    30,818     18,549
Old  :   177,286:    29,405      7,611     37,003     81,005    114,246    147,413    158,860:    29,873     18,427
Other:     8,554:     1,516        429      1,346      4,747      6,656      7,609      8,431:       945        122
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: September 16, 2008                   :
     :    -8,224:      -414     -1,666       -194     -7,970     -7,425     -8,578     -9,286:       355      1,062
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      16.1        3.8       21.2       46.1       65.1       83.4       90.0:      16.6       10.0
Old  :     100.0:      16.6        4.3       20.9       45.7       64.4       83.1       89.6:      16.9       10.4
Other:     100.0:      17.7        5.0       15.7       55.5       77.8       89.0       98.6:      11.0        1.4
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       153:        40         18         44         69         65        133        115:
Old  :       153:        40         22         44         69         65        133        115:
Other:        44:        14          4         15         15         11         35         27:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 15.8       34.7       24.1       47.4       12.3       26.3       19.5       34.8
Old  :                 16.0       34.5       24.7       46.5       12.5       26.5       20.0       33.4
Other:                 34.5       65.6       54.4       81.2       31.0       63.1       50.5       75.8
ROUGH RICE - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                     Code-039601
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, September 23, 2008              
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 200,000 POUNDS)                                              :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :    10,144:     2,772      1,060        673      4,449      6,998      7,894      8,732:     2,250      1,412
Old  :    10,124:     2,777      1,060        667      4,449      6,998      7,893      8,726:     2,231      1,398
Other:        20:         0          5          1          0          0          1          6:        19         14
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: September 16, 2008                   :
     :        -8:       326          8        -74       -439         66       -187         -0:       179         -8
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      27.3       10.5        6.6       43.9       69.0       77.8       86.1:      22.2       13.9
Old  :     100.0:      27.4       10.5        6.6       43.9       69.1       78.0       86.2:      22.0       13.8
Other:     100.0:       0.0       25.0        5.0        0.0        0.0        5.0       30.0:      95.0       70.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        63:        21          8          6         17         24         41         36:
Old  :        63:        21          8          6         17         24         41         36:
Other:         2:         0          2          1          0          0          1          2:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 32.2       44.8       47.5       61.7       32.2       44.7       46.3       61.0
Old  :                 32.2       44.9       47.5       61.8       32.2       44.8       46.4       61.2
Other:                  5.0       30.0        5.0       30.0        0.0       25.0        0.0       25.0
2-YEAR U.S. TREASURY NOTES - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                     Code-042601
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, September 23, 2008              
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF $200,000 FACE VALUE)                                         :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   747,343:   121,677    120,086     40,083    467,362    489,033    629,123    649,202:   118,220     98,141
Old  :   747,343:   121,677    120,086     40,083    467,362    489,033    629,123    649,202:   118,220     98,141
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: September 16, 2008                   :
     :   -96,448:   -11,611    -48,864        594    -76,408    -24,057    -87,426    -72,328:    -9,023    -24,121
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      16.3       16.1        5.4       62.5       65.4       84.2       86.9:      15.8       13.1
Old  :     100.0:      16.3       16.1        5.4       62.5       65.4       84.2       86.9:      15.8       13.1
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       184:        31         38         26         82         89        126        140:
Old  :       184:        31         38         26         82         89        126        140:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 19.5       30.6       30.5       39.1       16.3       25.8       25.5       33.7
Old  :                 19.5       30.6       30.5       39.1       16.3       25.8       25.5       33.7
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
10-YEAR U.S. TREASURY NOTES - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                    Code-043602
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, September 23, 2008              
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF $100,000 FACE VALUE)                                         :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  : 2,172,039:   220,480    222,953    330,537  1,315,651  1,252,422  1,866,668  1,805,912:   305,371    366,127
Old  : 2,172,039:   220,480    222,953    330,537  1,315,651  1,252,422  1,866,668  1,805,912:   305,371    366,127
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: September 16, 2008                   :
     :   -81,092:    -4,771     31,118      6,018    -31,159    -79,401    -29,912    -42,266:   -51,180    -38,826
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      10.2       10.3       15.2       60.6       57.7       85.9       83.1:      14.1       16.9
Old  :     100.0:      10.2       10.3       15.2       60.6       57.7       85.9       83.1:      14.1       16.9
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       260:        52         58         65        119        130        202        222:
Old  :       260:        52         58         65        119        130        202        222:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 23.3       19.0       30.3       24.9       20.9       15.8       26.2       20.9
Old  :                 23.3       19.0       30.3       24.9       20.9       15.8       26.2       20.9
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
5-YEAR U.S. TREASURY NOTES - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                     Code-044601
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, September 23, 2008              
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF $100,000 FACE VALUE)                                         :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  : 1,561,524:   427,820    155,716     99,049    826,134  1,079,265  1,353,004  1,334,030:   208,520    227,493
Old  : 1,561,524:   427,820    155,716     99,049    826,134  1,079,265  1,353,004  1,334,030:   208,520    227,493
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: September 16, 2008                   :
     :   -65,796:    39,631    -21,568     -3,310    -48,875    -11,797    -12,554    -36,675:   -53,242    -29,121
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      27.4       10.0        6.3       52.9       69.1       86.6       85.4:      13.4       14.6
Old  :     100.0:      27.4       10.0        6.3       52.9       69.1       86.6       85.4:      13.4       14.6
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       173:        39         36         43         80         81        139        140:
Old  :       173:        39         36         43         80         81        139        140:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 25.9       29.8       36.5       41.7       15.5       20.9       23.9       29.7
Old  :                 25.9       29.8       36.5       41.7       15.5       20.9       23.9       29.7
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
30-DAY FEDERAL FUNDS - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                           Code-045601
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, September 23, 2008              
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF $5,000,000)                                                  :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  : 1,136,994:   175,402     42,188    421,489    486,619    634,259  1,083,510  1,097,936:    53,484     39,057
Old  : 1,136,994:   175,402     42,188    421,489    486,619    634,259  1,083,510  1,097,936:    53,484     39,057
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: September 16, 2008                   :
     :   -39,450:   -23,113      8,718     -2,201    -12,815    -39,549    -38,128    -33,032:    -1,322     -6,418
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      15.4        3.7       37.1       42.8       55.8       95.3       96.6:       4.7        3.4
Old  :     100.0:      15.4        3.7       37.1       42.8       55.8       95.3       96.6:       4.7        3.4
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       138:        49         22         46         61         59        126        112:
Old  :       138:        49         22         46         61         59        126        112:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 32.0       29.4       44.5       46.7       12.5       18.9       16.8       26.9
Old  :                 32.0       29.4       44.5       46.7       12.5       18.9       16.8       26.9
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                   Code-124601
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, September 23, 2008              
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : ($10 X DJIA INDEX)                                                         :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :    24,484:     9,182      3,550         82     11,196     11,660     20,461     15,292:     4,023      9,192
Old  :    24,484:     9,182      3,550         82     11,196     11,660     20,461     15,292:     4,023      9,192
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: September 16, 2008                   :
     :   -37,858:    -8,210    -11,210     -3,849    -16,818    -11,715    -28,876    -26,774:    -8,981    -11,084
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      37.5       14.5        0.3       45.7       47.6       83.6       62.5:      16.4       37.5
Old  :     100.0:      37.5       14.5        0.3       45.7       47.6       83.6       62.5:      16.4       37.5
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        34:        12          6          2         10          9         22         17:
Old  :        34:        12          6          2         10          9         22         17:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 45.8       40.9       66.2       54.1       43.4       40.9       63.7       52.9
Old  :                 45.8       40.9       66.2       54.1       43.4       40.9       63.7       52.9
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVG- x $5 - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                 Code-124603
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, September 23, 2008              
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : ($5 X DJIA INDEX)                                                          :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   102,001:    18,418     31,909      3,440     64,323     53,186     86,181     88,534:    15,820     13,467
Old  :   102,001:    18,418     31,909      3,440     64,323     53,186     86,181     88,534:    15,820     13,467
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: September 16, 2008                   :
     :   -60,806:   -30,873    -17,436     -4,737    -22,121    -36,619    -57,731    -58,792:    -3,075     -2,014
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      18.1       31.3        3.4       63.1       52.1       84.5       86.8:      15.5       13.2
Old  :     100.0:      18.1       31.3        3.4       63.1       52.1       84.5       86.8:      15.5       13.2
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        95:        23         35         11         27         20         56         60:
Old  :        95:        23         35         11         27         20         56         60:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 35.5       40.4       51.5       60.1       30.4       31.1       42.8       43.4
Old  :                 35.5       40.4       51.5       60.1       30.4       31.1       42.8       43.4
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
INTEREST RATE SWAPS 10YR - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                       Code-246602
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, September 23, 2008              
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF $100,000)                                                    :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :    34,939:    13,128      8,221        513     21,078     26,141     34,719     34,875:       220         64
Old  :    34,939:    13,128      8,221        513     21,078     26,141     34,719     34,875:       220         64
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: September 16, 2008                   :
     :    -1,632:      -507       -123       -117     -1,072     -1,421     -1,696     -1,661:        64         29
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      37.6       23.5        1.5       60.3       74.8       99.4       99.8:       0.6        0.2
Old  :     100.0:      37.6       23.5        1.5       60.3       74.8       99.4       99.8:       0.6        0.2
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        37:         9         11          2         13         11         23         23:
Old  :        37:         9         11          2         13         11         23         23:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 69.0       84.3       86.3       94.6       56.3       58.4       64.5       66.5
Old  :                 69.0       84.3       86.3       94.6       56.3       58.4       64.5       66.5
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
INTEREST RATE SWAPS 5YR - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                        Code-247602
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, September 23, 2008              
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF $100,000)                                                    :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :    52,881:    22,857     10,240        430     29,178     42,195     52,465     52,865:       416         16
Old  :    52,881:    22,857     10,240        430     29,178     42,195     52,465     52,865:       416         16
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: September 16, 2008                   :
     :      -153:      -337     -2,273        133          7      2,378       -197        238:        44       -391
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      43.2       19.4        0.8       55.2       79.8       99.2      100.0:       0.8        0.0
Old  :     100.0:      43.2       19.4        0.8       55.2       79.8       99.2      100.0:       0.8        0.0
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        29:         7          8          2          9          8         16         18:
Old  :        29:         7          8          2          9          8         16         18:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 83.2       96.5       93.5       98.6       72.6       83.9       80.9       85.2
Old  :                 83.2       96.5       93.5       98.6       72.6       83.9       80.9       85.2
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0

Updated September 26, 2008