COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 23, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
WHEAT-SRW - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                 
CFTC Code #001602                                                              Open Interest is   511,022
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   58,924   145,951   155,512   110,956    98,152   149,663    70,739   475,056   470,354:   35,966    40,668
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 16, 2024              (Change in open interest:       4,792)         :
    :    3,142       855     4,048    -1,042    -2,684    -1,003     2,395     5,145     4,614:     -354       177
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     11.5      28.6      30.4      21.7      19.2      29.3      13.8      93.0      92.0:      7.0       8.0
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   400          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       86       114       123       115       110        46        33       318       318:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 23, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
WHEAT-HRW - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                 
CFTC Code #001612                                                              Open Interest is   258,121
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   27,964    66,847    53,204    66,748    81,765    93,308    34,691   241,224   236,507:   16,897    21,613
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 16, 2024              (Change in open interest:        -451)         :
    :     -703    -2,939       808     1,081     2,283      -930       132       256       284:     -707      -734
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     10.8      25.9      20.6      25.9      31.7      36.1      13.4      93.5      91.6:      6.5       8.4
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   251          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       45        67        66        81        75        37        21       202       191:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 23, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
CORN - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                      
CFTC Code #002602                                                              Open Interest is 2,106,746
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :  144,113   439,904   693,322   617,095   539,649   456,748   213,280 1,911,278 1,886,155:  195,468   220,591
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 16, 2024              (Change in open interest:      32,054)         :
    :    8,576   -12,478    18,220    -2,177    22,260     8,218     4,582    32,836    32,584:     -782      -529
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      6.8      20.9      32.9      29.3      25.6      21.7      10.1      90.7      89.5:      9.3      10.5
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   829          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      169       162       220       366       340        54        38       702       666:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 23, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SOYBEANS - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                  
CFTC Code #005602                                                              Open Interest is 1,095,369
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   58,908   217,992   354,582   434,522   358,962   193,499    94,577 1,041,511 1,026,113:   53,858    69,256
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 16, 2024              (Change in open interest:      -8,636)         :
    :    4,827   -20,606    17,560   -28,121     6,400        35    -6,413    -5,700    -3,059:   -2,936    -5,576
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      5.4      19.9      32.4      39.7      32.8      17.7       8.6      95.1      93.7:      4.9       6.3
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   564          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      115       156       190       189       195        48        24       471       466:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 23, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SOYBEAN OIL - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                               
CFTC Code #007601                                                              Open Interest is   634,214
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   63,035   108,746   164,444   223,463   305,065   150,800    32,167   601,742   610,422:   32,472    23,792
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 16, 2024              (Change in open interest:      22,958)         :
    :   -1,120     4,053     5,716    18,929     9,754      -646     6,590    22,879    26,113:       79    -3,155
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      9.9      17.1      25.9      35.2      48.1      23.8       5.1      94.9      96.2:      5.1       3.8
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   341          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       80        83       104       105       100        43        24       292       254:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 23, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SOYBEAN MEAL - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                              
CFTC Code #026603                                                              Open Interest is   595,364
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   75,260    83,048   162,834   165,872   278,640   138,362    37,561   542,329   562,084:   53,035    33,280
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 16, 2024              (Change in open interest:        -858)         :
    :   -7,414     3,023    -3,897     5,921        48     3,797        45    -1,593      -781:      735       -76
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     12.6      13.9      27.4      27.9      46.8      23.2       6.3      91.1      94.4:      8.9       5.6
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   343          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       71        83       102       108       100        42        23       277       271:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 23, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
COTTON NO. 2 - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                    
CFTC Code #033661                                                              Open Interest is   259,255
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   29,115    80,356    61,830    70,816    86,588    84,088    15,173   245,849   243,947:   13,406    15,308
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 16, 2024              (Change in open interest:       8,746)         :
    :   -1,351     5,400     4,138     6,324    -2,281       216       319     9,328     7,575:     -582     1,171
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     11.2      31.0      23.8      27.3      33.4      32.4       5.9      94.8      94.1:      5.2       5.9
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   327          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       81       120        89        59        57        47        21       236       241:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 23, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
LEAN HOGS - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                            
CFTC Code #054642                                                              Open Interest is   349,892
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   41,219    69,588   116,299    63,765   113,514   106,435    25,971   327,718   325,373:   22,174    24,519
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 16, 2024              (Change in open interest:     -41,241)         :
    :    1,927    -2,498   -22,617   -17,845   -10,272       282    -3,838   -38,253   -39,224:   -2,989    -2,017
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     11.8      19.9      33.2      18.2      32.4      30.4       7.4      93.7      93.0:      6.3       7.0
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   326          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       89        90       120        77        86        40        18       267       263:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 23, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
LIVE CATTLE - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                          
CFTC Code #057642                                                              Open Interest is   426,701
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   81,892    42,961   132,216    74,471   177,119   105,630    20,766   394,209   373,063:   32,492    53,638
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 16, 2024              (Change in open interest:        -209)         :
    :    1,788       664     1,425      -239    -2,384      -854       -40     2,120      -336:   -2,329       127
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     19.2      10.1      31.0      17.5      41.5      24.8       4.9      92.4      87.4:      7.6      12.6
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   451          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      132        62       139       144       177        49        18       392       348:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 23, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
FEEDER CATTLE - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                        
CFTC Code #061641                                                              Open Interest is    72,522
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :    8,779    13,067    22,718    19,089    14,191    10,049     5,117    60,635    55,093:   11,887    17,428
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 16, 2024              (Change in open interest:       2,049)         :
    :    1,220       564       415       485       522      -171       159     1,949     1,660:      101       390
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     12.1      18.0      31.3      26.3      19.6      13.9       7.1      83.6      76.0:     16.4      24.0
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   266          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       52        54        81        97        90        24        16       214       211:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 23, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
COCOA - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                           
CFTC Code #073732                                                              Open Interest is   227,773
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   27,692    15,103    97,447    60,160    93,453    30,871    15,784   216,170   221,787:   11,603     5,986
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 16, 2024              (Change in open interest:       2,375)         :
    :    1,641       612      -383     1,392       161      -224     2,378     2,426     2,768:      -51      -393
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     12.2       6.6      42.8      26.4      41.0      13.6       6.9      94.9      97.4:      5.1       2.6
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   179          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       57        40        77        36        37        31        18       162       141:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 23, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SUGAR NO. 11 - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                    
CFTC Code #080732                                                              Open Interest is   928,685
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   74,314   117,323   198,937   371,587   490,361   219,966    55,682   864,804   862,303:   63,881    66,382
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 16, 2024              (Change in open interest:      22,732)         :
    :   -6,686    28,465    14,721    17,422   -34,571     1,733     6,835    27,190    15,451:   -4,458     7,281
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      8.0      12.6      21.4      40.0      52.8      23.7       6.0      93.1      92.9:      6.9       7.1
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   242          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       53        64        79        74        70        39        21       209       192:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 23, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
COFFEE C - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                        
CFTC Code #083731                                                              Open Interest is   286,209
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   58,499    14,774    83,886    70,891   163,774    64,397    17,938   277,674   280,372:    8,534     5,837
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 16, 2024              (Change in open interest:       9,357)         :
    :   -2,394     1,737     3,683     7,873     1,748       599     1,899     9,762     9,068:     -404       290
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     20.4       5.2      29.3      24.8      57.2      22.5       6.3      97.0      98.0:      3.0       2.0
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   386          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      126        68       104        92       125        49        22       315       277:

Updated July 23, 2024