Designated Contract Markets (DCM) : 24963

Organization: Nodal Exchange, LLC

Status: Designated

Date: 2013-09-27 00:00:00

Remarks: Nodal Exchange, LLC trades financially settled power contracts, including (1) locational marginal pricing (energy, loss, and congestion) or any component of locational marginal pricing of electricity at hubs, zones and nodes in the United States and Canada and (2) natural gas at Henry Hub. Clearing services are provided by Nodal Clear. Nodal Exchange, LLC was previously operating as an Exempt Commercial Market ("ECM") as of April 2009. Nodal Exchange submitted an application for DCM registration on October 11, 2012 and was designated as a DCM on September 27, 2013.

Associated Documents
Nodal Exchange Organizational Structure
Nodal Exchange, LLC Agreement
Nodal Exchange, LLC Certificate of Formation
Nodal Exchange, LLC Certificate of Good Standing
Nodal Exchange, LLC Compliance with Core Principles for Contract Markets
Nodal Exchange, LLC Rulebook
Nodal Exchange, LLC First Page of Form DCM
Nodal Exchange, LLC Transmittal Letter
Nodal Exchange, LLC - FOIA Confidentiality Request
Nodal Exchange, LLC Stay Letter
Nodal Exchage, LLC - Lift of Stay (9.24.13)
Nodal Exchange, LLC - Order of Designation