Clearing Organization Rules

Search Clearing Organization Rules using the following criteria
Organization Filing Description Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
OCC OCC Rule Certification to Update its Fee Schedule 12/12/2024 Withdrawn 12/20/2024 2
CME Amendments to CME, CBOT,NYMEX/COMEX Rule 802., CME Rules 8F002., and 8F014., and Adoption of NewDefinitions in CME, CBOT, NYMEX/COMEX Chapter iii and Rule 914. RegardingMandatory Participation in Default Management Auctions for Base Clearing Members 12/04/2024 Withdrawn 12/04/2024 2
CME Amendments to CME, CBOT, NYMEX/COMEX Chapters iii ("Definitions") and 8 ("Clearing House and Performance Bonds") and CME Chapter 8G ("Interest Rate Derivative Clearing") Regarding Default Management. 12/04/2024 Withdrawn 12/04/2024 1
ICE NGX Amending CPA and RMF to reflect changes in how positive financial sales credit amounts are reflected in a Contracting Partys margin requirements. 09/11/2024 Withdrawn 09/24/2024 2
LCHLTD LCH Limited is submitting for self-certification amendments to its rules related to the termination of outstanding Bloomberg Short-Term Bank Yield Index ("BSBY") positions. 04/30/2024 Withdrawn 05/01/2024 1
LCHLTD LCH proposes changes to its rulebook to expand the possible actions available to a SwapClear Clearing Member after the early termination of one or more transaction(s) between such SwapClear Clearing Member and its SwapClear Clearing Client. 02/09/2024 Withdrawn 03/07/2024 1
LX Revision of Compliance Manual 10/03/2022 Withdrawn 10/13/2022 3
LX Amendments to Participant Agreement 07/28/2022 Withdrawn 08/04/2022 2
LX Amendment of Rulebook. 07/27/2022 Withdrawn 08/04/2022 2
ICE NGX RMF amendments re Enhanced Liquidity & PMM 12/10/2021 Withdrawn 12/21/2021 2
CME Modifications to CME Clearing's Investment Policy 11/22/2021 Withdrawn 12/03/2021 2
MIAX Revisions to Risk Manual 09/15/2021 Withdrawn 09/30/2021 2
CME Amendments to CME, CBOT, NYMEX/COMEX Rule 853. ("Transfer of Trades and Customer Accounts") 08/11/2021 Withdrawn 08/25/2021 1
CME Modifications to the CME Risk Management Framework 06/14/2021 Withdrawn 06/22/2021 2
LX Revised LedgerX Participant Agreement 05/28/2021 Withdrawn 05/28/2021 1
ICE NGX Amendments regarding CP Affiliates, Set-Off, Cross-Default, change in subscription fees and non-significant changes 04/08/2021 Withdrawn 04/09/2021 1
LX Revised LedgerX Participant Agreement 03/12/2021 Withdrawn 03/25/2021 1
LX Operations Manual Redacted 03/12/2021 Withdrawn 03/18/2021 1
LX LedgerX Amended Rulebook 03/12/2021 Withdrawn 03/25/2021 1
CME Modifications to Discounting and Price Alignment for Emerging Markets Interest Rate Swaps ("IRS") and Over the Counter Foreign Exchange ("OTC FX") Products to Transition to the Secured Overnight Financing Rate ("SOFR") and Euro Short Term Rate ("?STR") 03/10/2021 Withdrawn 03/10/2021 1
ICLR US ICUS Rule Amendments 01/19/2021 Withdrawn 02/02/2021 3
ICE NGX Self Certification of amendment to rule: ICE NGX Canada Inc. Risk Management Framework 01/11/2021 Withdrawn 01/25/2021 2
ICLR US Amendments to the ICUS Risk Management Framework and Default Management Procedures. 12/22/2020 Withdrawn 01/07/2021 2
CME Expansion of Clearing of Certain OTC Interest Rate Swap Products Denominated in U.S. Dollars Referencing Effective Federal Funds Rate and Secured Overnight Financing Rate to 51 Years 07/23/2020 Withdrawn 08/04/2020 1
LCHLTD The Proposal is for LCH to invest Euro-denominated cash collateral, which FCMs provide to LCH, in Euro denominated sovereign debt issued by the French Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany. 06/01/2020 Withdrawn 06/08/2020 1
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is amending its Rules and General Contract Terms in order to provide clearing services for F&O contracts to ICE Futures Abu Dhabi ("IFAD"), an affiliated newly established futures exchange. 11/15/2019 Withdrawn 11/19/2019 3
ICECC ICE Clear Credit LLC ("ICC") proposes changes to the ICC Rulebook relating to non-default losses. 08/01/2019 Withdrawn 01/16/2020 2
ICLREU2 ICE Clear Europe is adopting the amendments to the Framework in order to ensure that the Framework remains consistent with the Rules in light of recent amendments to address default management, recovery and wind-down for the CDS Contract Category 07/18/2019 Withdrawn 07/29/2019 2
ICECC ICE Clear Credit LLC ("ICC") proposes changes to the ICC Rules, ICC End-of-Day Price Discovery Policies and Procedures, and ICC Risk Management Framework. 07/01/2019 Withdrawn 07/02/2019 3
LX Revised Enterprise Risk Management Plan 05/31/2019 Withdrawn 06/13/2019 2
ICE NGX The addition of eight physically-settled power futures transactions in the ERCOT market with their delivery points at North Load Zone, South Load Zone, Houston Load Zone and West Load Zone 05/24/2019 Withdrawn 05/31/2019 1
OCC Proposed rule change related to the introduction of a new Liquidation Cost Model in The Options Clearing Corporation's margin methodology. 05/01/2019 Withdrawn 05/06/2019 2
SGX-DC Approval of amendments to SGX-DC Clearing Rules to effect default management measures, revise the application of the SGX-DC Clearing Fund and remove references to OTCF contracts due to cessation of clearing that contract class. 04/29/2019 Withdrawn 05/03/2019 1
OCC Proposed rule change related to The Options Clearing Corporation's margin methodology for Volatility Index Futures. 03/19/2019 Withdrawn 03/29/2019 2
ICE NGX Removing sentence from section 3.3 of the CPA to remove potential ambiguity. 06/12/2018 Withdrawn 06/21/2018 1
CME Implementation of New CME,CBOT,NYMEX and COMEX Rules 830.C., 900.C., 902.B., 912.A., and 912.B.;Amendments to CME,CBOT,NYMEX and COMEX Rule 820 and CME Rule 8G831;and Implementation of CME Rule 8G912 to Create Direct Funding Participant Clearing Membershi 03/29/2018 Withdrawn 03/30/2018 2
ICLR US ICUS has determined to move to a direct settlement model that allows clearing members to utilize Qualified Financial Institutions (QFIs) which may or may not be related to the Approved Financial Institutions (AFIs) utilized by ICUS. 03/22/2018 Withdrawn 04/04/2018 2
LX Amendments to Operations Manual. 01/29/2018 Withdrawn 02/09/2018 5
LX Operations manual amendment 10/18/2017 Withdrawn 10/31/2017 3
ICLR US ICUS proposes to adopt amendments to its Rules relating to default management, recovery and wind-down following a clearing member default. 06/26/2017 Withdrawn 07/10/2017 3
ICLR US ICUS is amending Chapter 2 of the Rules to revise, reorganize and clarify various membership requirements 06/26/2017 Withdrawn 07/10/2017 2
ICLR US Margin related rule changes 03/16/2017 Withdrawn 03/21/2017 2
ICLR US Requirement to meet EMIR top up margin requirement with USD cash only 03/15/2017 Withdrawn 03/21/2017 2
CME Revision to Liquidity Charge Computation in IRS Guaranty Fund Stress Testing 02/16/2017 Withdrawn 03/02/2017 1
ICLR US Amendment to Collateral Policy 12/22/2016 Withdrawn 01/06/2017 2
LCHLTD Changes to the LCH Margin Collateral Haircut Schedule 11/21/2016 Withdrawn 11/29/2016 2
CME Implementation of New CME, CBOT, NYMEX, and COMEX Rules 830.C., 900.C., 902.B., 912.A., and 912.B.; Amendments to CME Rule 8G831; and Implementation of New CME Rule 8G912 to Create Direct Funding Participant Clearing Membership. 07/22/2016 Withdrawn 09/19/2018 10
LCHLTD LCH proposes to amend its rules to allow the transfer of positions between FCM Clearing Members' Proprietary accounts and from an FCM Clearing Member to a SCM, provided that the SCM and FCM Clearing Member are affiliated. 07/15/2016 Withdrawn 07/26/2016 1
ICECC ICC proposes changes to ICC Rules 403 and 801 to add explicit references to certain risk-related policies currently contained in the ICC Risk Management Framework and the ICC Risk Management Model Description document. 05/31/2016 Withdrawn 06/07/2016 2
OCC This proposed rule change is related to the adoption of OCC's Options Exchange Risk Control Standards Policy. 03/15/2016 Withdrawn 07/15/2016 2