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Commission at a Glance: CFTC Strategic Framework: Keeping Pace with Change

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The CFTC Mission Statement, Strategic Goals and its related outcome objectives and performance metrics, as well as its multi-year Strategic Plans, create a template that allows management to articulate its priorities, measure results, and conduct long-range planning. The Commission also maintains flexibility to adapt its program to address market and financial emergencies and new regulatory concerns.

In FY 2007, the Commission issued Keeping Pace with Change, its Strategic Plan for FY 2007-2012. That version of the CFTC Strategic Plan expires with the issuance of its FY 2010 Performance and Accountability Report and FY 2012 President’s Budget and Performance Plan.

OMB granted an extension of the deadline by which the CFTC must publish its revised Strategic Plan until February 28, 2011.

The following table is an overview of the Commission’s mission statement, strategic goals, and outcome objectives under the FY 2007-2012 strategic framework.

Mission Statement

The mission of the CFTC is to protect market users and the public from fraud, manipulation,
and abusive practices related to the sale of commodity futures and options, and to
foster open, competitive, and financially sound commodity futures and option markets.

Ensure the economic vitality of the commodity futures and option markets.
Outcome Objectives
  1. Markets that accurately reflect the forces of supply and demand for the underlying commodity and are free of disruptive activity.

  2. Markets that are effectively and efficiently monitored to ensure early warning of potential problems or issues that could adversely affect their economic vitality.
Protect market users and the public.
Outcome Objectives
  1. Violations of Federal commodities laws are detected and prevented.

  2. Commodities professionals meet high standards.

  3. Customer complaints against persons or firms falling within the jurisdiction of the CEA are handled effectively and expeditiously.
Ensure market integrity in order to foster open, competitive, and financially sound markets.
Outcome Objectives
  1. Clearing organizations and firms holding customer funds have sound financial practices.

  2. Commodity futures and option markets are effectively self-regulated.

  3. Markets are free of trade practice abuses.

  4. Regulatory environment is responsive to evolving market conditions.
Facilitate Commission performance through organizational and management excellence, efficient use of resources, and effective mission support.
Outcome Objectives
  1. Productive, technically competent, competitively compensated, and diverse workforce that takes into account current and future technical and professional needs of the Commission.

  2. Modern and secure information system that reflects the strategic priorities of the Commission.

  3. Organizational infrastructure that efficiently and effectively responds to and anticipates both the routine and emergency business needs of the Commission.

  4. Financial resources are allocated, managed, and accounted for in accordance with the strategic priorities of the Commission.

  5. The Commission’s mission is fulfilled and goals are achieved through sound management and organizational excellence provided by executive leadership.


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