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Measuring Success: Strategic Goal Four—Facilitate Commission performance through organizational and management excellence, efficient use of resources, and effective mission support.

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Outcome 4.1: A productive, technically competent and diverse workforce that takes into account current and future technical and professional needs of the Commission.

Annual Performance Goal: Recruit, retain, and develop a skilled and diversified staff to keep pace with attrition and anticipated losses due to retirement.

Performance Measures:

Outcome 4.2: A modern and secure information portfolio that reflects the strategic priorities of the Commission.

Annual Performance Goal: Link business decisions on IT resources to CFTC strategic goals by establishing a decision-making and review process for allocation of IT resources.

Performance Measures:

Outcome 4.3: An organizational infrastructure that efficiently and effectively responds to and anticipates both the routine and emergency business needs of the Commission.

Annual Performance Goal: A fully operational Contingency Planning Program to ensure the CFTC is prepared for emergencies and is fully capable of recovery and reconstitution.

Performance Measures:

Outcome 4.4: Financial resources are allocated, managed, and accounted for in accordance with the strategic priorities of the Commission.

Annual Performance Goal: A clean financial audit opinion for the CFTC.

Performance Measures:

Outcome 4.5: The Commission’s mission is fulfilled and goals are achieved through sound management and organizational excellence provided by executive leadership.

Annual Performance Goal: Progress in completing the 18 priorities established in the Commission Strategic Plan for FY 2007 through FY 2012.

Performance Measures: