External Meetings: Meeting with Calpers and other pension plan representatives

Participants discussed their views on collateral segregation for cleared swaps and external business conduct standards.
VI. Segregation and Bankruptcy,
CFTC Staff
Gary Gensler, Megan Wallace, Robert Wasserman, and Laura Astrada
Eric Baggesen (California Public Employees' Retirement System)
Sylvia Bell (Teachers Retirement System of Texas)
Andrew Karsh (California Public Employees' Retirement System)
Todd Ludgate (State of Wisconsin Investment Board)
Tom Lussier (Lussier, Gregor, Vienna & Associates)
Don Marlais (Lussier, Gregor, Vienna & Associates)
California Public Employees' Retirement System
Teachers Retirement System of Texas
State of Wisconsin Investment Board
Lussier, Gregor, Vienna & Associates